Building Contractors

BR Builders is responsible for planning, leading, executing, supervising and inspecting a building construction project. The responsibility extends from the beginning to the end of the project, regardless of its scope. BR Buildersaccomplish their duties by planning activities, supervising workers, and ensuring the project follows local codes and laws.


Choose Us?

This service involves measuring physical
features of the land with great precision.
Based on these verifications, our survey
engineers establish the dimensions,
distances and angles of the land.

We Are Creative

We Are Honest And Dependable

Quality Commitment

We Are Always Improving

Service Description

BR Builders has a master schedule that describes all activities, along with their time distribution and planned budget. This schedule has a completion date that contractors must meet, and hefty penalties normally apply for missing the deadline. A late completion can only be justified if the project was delayed by external factors beyond the contractor’s control, such as extreme weather.

The first duty of a building contractor is creating a project plan to deliver it on time. Some responsibilities include:

• Planning all crucial project development and implementation details.

• Determining the material and equipment requirements, and planning their procurement.

• Predicting possible changes and creating risk mitigation strategies.

• Meeting any legal and regulatory issues.

• Establishing effective communication among all project participants.

The building contractor must establish a budget for the construction project, and follow it as closely as possible. The budget is a useful tool to track project costs, since contractors can detect waste by comparing their actual expenses with the planned budget. Project Planning Project Management Project Tracking Legal and Regulatory Issues Health and Safety Issues

Project Planning      Project Management      Project Tracking

Legal and Regulatory Issues     Health and Safety Issues

Service Description

BR Builders has a master schedule that describes all activities, along with their time distribution and planned budget. This schedule has a completion date that contractors must meet, and hefty penalties normally apply for missing the deadline. A late completion can only be justified if the project was delayed by external factors beyond the contractor’s control, such as extreme weather.

The first duty of a building contractor is creating a project plan to deliver it on time.

Some responsibilities include:

Planning all crucial project development and implementation details.

Predicting possible changes and creating risk mitigation strategies.

Meeting any legal and regulatory issues.

Establishing effective communication among all project participants

The building contractor must establish a budget for the construction project, and follow it as closely as possible.

The budget is a useful tool to track project costs, since contractors can detect waste by comparing their actual expenses with the planned budget

Project Planning Project Management Project Tracking Legal and Regulatory Issues Health and Safety Issues

Client Testimonials


Mr. Hussain Shaik

Good planner's and good commitment


Mr. anil kumar

Good customer service



They are good engineers and well planers


Mr. Rajesh

Nice engineers and well planners

Ms. Sujatha

Thank you for elevation.